If you need to add captcha to stop spam on Wordpress IQ Testimonials Plugin Form (http://wordpress.org/plugins/iq-testimonials/) as captcha is not inbuilt in the form
First We need to Install and activate wordpress plugin Flexible Captha (http://wordpress.org/plugins/flexible-captcha/)
Once this Plugin is activated successfully .
Add below code in plugins/iq-testimonials/lib/iq-testimonials-form.php file
First to display Captcha filed above submit button in the form add below code
First We need to Install and activate wordpress plugin Flexible Captha (http://wordpress.org/plugins/flexible-captcha/)
Once this Plugin is activated successfully .
Add below code in plugins/iq-testimonials/lib/iq-testimonials-form.php file
First to display Captcha filed above submit button in the form add below code
$html .= do_shortcode('[FC_captcha_fields]' ) ;
(just before this line of code almost line no.257)
$html .= '<input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />
Now to put functionality of verifying captcha text Add below lines of code almost after line no 69 global $FlexibleCaptcha;
if (!$FlexibleCaptcha->check_captcha_val()) {
$result['valid'] = false;
$result['reason']['FC_captcha_input'] = 'The entered text did not match the captcha image.';
$formerrorBits['capt'] = true;
$formerrors[] = "<p class=\"iq-testimonials-error\">The entered text did not match the captcha image.</p>\n";
//$form_errors_present = true;
Above code can be added before this existing code in the fileif ((empty($email)) && ($form_email == 'true') && (empty($email_field))){
$formerrorBits['email'] = true;
$form_errors_present = true;